1/ Open Paint Stripper can slowly to avoid sudden pressure release.
2/ If the painted surface is oily or soiled, wash down with a de-greasing solution or with warm water with dish washing detergent.
3/ Carefully pour a working quantity of Paint Stripper into an open top container.
4/ With a soft brush, apply a generous, thick coat of Paint Stripper to the surface to be stripped. Cover only enough area that can be scraped off before the Paint Stripper dries.
5/ Wait for paint to wrinkle, blister or soften. This should take from 1 to 15 minutes depending on the type and age of the paint.
6/ Remove the paint with a suitable paint scraper. Check with your hardware for the best type of scraper as care taken with the choice of scraper can save a lot of time and prevent possible damage to timber. If all the paint is not removed with the first application, then apply a second coat of paint stripper.
7/ Once most of the paint has been scraped off, rub timber surfaces down with dry steel wool and metal surfaces with steel wool or scouring pads. This process should remove small bits of paint left on the surface. Wear gloves.
8/ Finally, wash down and clean the surface. Using a scouring pad or steel wool, wash down with water or Methylated Spirits. If it is intended that the timber be finished off with sanding, use hot water with laundry powder to effectively and thoroughly wash down the surface.
9/ Allow surface to dry. Surface is now ready for repainting or for sanding.